I like most kinds of people.
I'm definitely not the kind of person who dislikes other people solely because:
1. They are in authority
2. Authority, with respect to you
3. They are fans of George Micheal/Cher/Gavin Henson/Other Homosexual icons
However, I do particularly dislike people who twinge/cringe when they are spoken to. It's perfectly alright when the twingers/cringers concerned are RANDOMITES.
However, dealing with twingers/cringers on a daily basis is a little pissing off.
I also dislike other people who use their authority to abuse other people/disrespect others. Now dont get my wrong
I am not being bonked in my ass by a faggot superior.
I HATE IT when there are selective rules for supervisors, particularly my supervisors, and they:
1. Abuse those selective rules
2. Are twingers/cringers