Tuesday, September 27, 2005 

Long Overdue :)


God lies in the details, and in kick-ass quantitative ability.

I came up with this one myself :)

Reflective of my state of mind.

Saturday, September 24, 2005 

This is for my dear friend Priyanka, whose birthday I forgot on 15-09-2005.

Happy belated birthday girl. I know I am a bitch. I'm such a dickfeast. I spoke to you that night (my morning) and was wondering why you were talking to me so differently, and assumed (in a dickfeastly manner) that it was the bombay sapphire.

Anyway, I would give ONE sem. exam to have our good days back. Long phone convos. Life philosophies. Bitching sessions.....

I miss you and its ironic. I travel close to the Fr CRIT gates every weekend. Hmm...


Another Sunday. Another test. I'm hoping I'm going to improve my PS performance :)

Thursday, September 22, 2005 

I like most kinds of people.

I'm definitely not the kind of person who dislikes other people solely because:

1. They are in authority

2. Authority, with respect to you

3. They are fans of George Micheal/Cher/Gavin Henson/Other Homosexual icons

However, I do particularly dislike people who twinge/cringe when they are spoken to. It's perfectly alright when the twingers/cringers concerned are RANDOMITES.

However, dealing with twingers/cringers on a daily basis is a little pissing off.

I also dislike other people who use their authority to abuse other people/disrespect others. Now dont get my wrong

I am not being bonked in my ass by a faggot superior.

I HATE IT when there are selective rules for supervisors, particularly my supervisors, and they:

1. Abuse those selective rules
2. Are twingers/cringers