The hardest part about writing, is exploring something personal.
I've come to believe that of the many ways to deal with trying events in life, expressing your emotion through art is extremely useful. Internalising your experiences in life, and expressing them through art helps you deal with those events, and elevates your art form, as well.
However, it's just so much harder to write about events that are personal. Or where at the end of it all, you're not very proud about how you behaved.
There have been a few of those instances in my life. And there's not much I can do in terms of making it up to those people. The moment has passed.
It's just wierd how I can't even mail some people now, whom I otherwise called regularly at 3 a.m. And it's wierd not because I won't get a reply, but because on some level I don't want to mail or call them anymore. Life has moved on, and we are no longer in the same place, as before.
But obviously on some level, I miss those connections, which have now just turned into associations! Associations that connect me to my past.