Did u know that the terms Architecture and Design, in the context of software are not ALWAYS interchangeable?
Check out this article at http://www.sei.cmu.edu/architecture/essays.html#difference.
Did u know that the terms Architecture and Design, in the context of software are not ALWAYS interchangeable?
Check out this article at http://www.sei.cmu.edu/architecture/essays.html#difference.
KAKS is what I will call the bane of my life. KAKs or UFW. UFW gets very personal, and if KAKs does read this (HAHAHA -> far shot but then how many people do you know of whose cell phone has dialed his own mother in the midst of a conversation his mother would never want to hear even in a nightmare), she would know I'm talking about her.
Anyway, moving on, KAKs seems to think the world revolves around her.
She typifies everything wrong in the world.
I think KAKs is what George Bush would be if he was a SHE without presidency.
Self opinionated, very convincing even when she does not have a clue what she is talking about, vindictive, super bitchy, but trying hard to potray the public image of fighting for the common public good.
Now only if i did not see through this pathetic charade :)
HAHA --> got you KAKs
PS: Posting this message, while KAKs sits DIAGONALLY OPPOSITE ME. HAHAHA!!!. She just stood up and I think she is going to walk around me.
Read this great article about Innovation Blowback. Continuing to read awesome articles about the state of the global economy, offshoring, strategy, innovation and management @ www.mckinsey.com
Registration is free :)
Innovation blowback is like what America did in Aghanistan against the USSR in the last 1970s which blew up in their face in the early 2000.
Or like what America did in Iraq in the early 1980s, which blew up in their (Kuwait) in the early 1990s.
They go on to explain how India and China have used disurptive management practices to harness the benefits of blowback.
My mind tend to wander when you use blow and benefits in the same line. But then thats just how I am wired :D